学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
教育 Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism The MOOC dropout phenomenon and retention strategies Dr. Catherine Cheung Hong Kong 9/12/2020
教育 Learning Environments Research What predicts studentsí critical thinking disposition? A comparison of the roles of classroom and family environments Dr. Zhihong Wan Hong Kong 7/8/2021
教育 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Exploration of the Patterns of Physical Education Teachersí Participation Within Self-Directed Online Professional Development Prof. Okseon Lee Korea
教育 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Psychometric Properties of the Teachersí Sense of Efficacy Scale for Chinese Special Education Teachers Mr. Ming Hui Lu China 5/8/2020
教育 ECNU Review of Education The Mathematics Learning Attributes Valued by Students in Eastern China Dr. Qiaoping Zhang Hong Kong 29/7/2020
教育 British Journal of Educational Technology Effectiveness of immersive virtual reality using head-mounted displays on learning performance: A meta-analysis Dr. Bian Wu China 8/9/2020
教育 Journal of Educational Administration The impact of teacher entrepreneurial behaviour: a timely investigation of an emerging phenomenon Dr. Maxwell Chun-Sing Ho Hong Kong 2/7/2020
教育 Computers & Education Teacher development +D21:D66in computational thinking: Design and learning outcomes of programming concepts, practices and pedagogy Ms. Fanny Kong Hong Kong 3/12/2020
教育 Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education “I may sound like a native speaker…but I’m not”: identities of Korean English teachers with border-crossing experience Mun Woo Lee Korea 12/6/2020
教育 Asian Education and Development Studies Pursuing doctoral studies in Macau’s private universities: pragmatic motivations and challenging experiences of Guangdong college teachers Dr. Yanju Shao Macau 5/5/2020
教育 Vocations and Learning Investigating the Role of Cognitive Feedback in Practice-Oriented Learning for Clinical Diagnostics Dr Minhong Wang Hong Kong 23/10/2019
教育 Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education Values in Mathematics Learning: Perspectives of Chinese Mainland Primary and Secondary Students Dr Qiaoping Zhang Hong Kong 25/4/2019
教育 Thinking Skills and Creativity Mapping the factors influencing creative teaching in mainland China: An exploratory study Dr Xianhan Huang Hong Kong 11/6/2018
教育 The Language Learning Journal Exploring complexity in L2 and L3 motivational systems: a dynamic systems theory perspective Dr Gavin Bui Hong Kong 5/5/2019
教育 The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension Mechanism of action of policy networks on the performance of university-based agricultural extensions Dr. Yanrong Wang China 4/8/2020
教育 The Journal of Asia TEFL Contexts, Problems and Solutions in International Communication: Insights for Teaching English as a Lingua Franca Dr Jim Chan Hong Kong 6/1/2018
教育 The Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia Developments and challenges of civic education in Hong Kong SAR, China (1997-2017) Dr Eric Chong Hong Kong 31/3/2018
教育 The Journal of Academic Librarianship An exploratory study of the relationship between the use of the Learning Commons and students' perceived learning outcomes Dr Esther Woo Hong Kong 24/5/2019
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher The Relationship Between Distributed Leadership and Teacher Efficacy in China: The Mediation of Satisfaction and Trust Professor Hongbiao Yin   Hong Kong 22/4/2019
教育 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher An Action Research on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Peer Feedback in EFL Writing Context Dr Colin Yu Macau 4/2/2018