










学科 期刊 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
法律与法理学 European Journal of Health Law Doctor’s Criminal Liability and Medically Assisted Death – The Portuguese Case Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 19/6/2019
教育 English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers Second Language Literacy Instruction for Pre-primary Learners in Hong Kong: Using Stories, Songs, and Games Dr Mei Lee Ng Hong Kong 18/5/2019
教育 English Teaching & Learning English Language Needs of Chinese/English Interpreting Students: an Error Analysis of the Chinese-to-English Short Consecutive Interpreting Test Dr Chia-chien Chang Taiwan 11/6/2018
教育 ELT Journal Translation revisited for low-proficiency EFL writers Professor Mun Woo Lee    South Korea 4/10/2018
教育 Educational Technology Research and Development  Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet-based technology for learning Ms Fang Huang  China 17/7/2019
人文学科 Eighteenth-Century Music FRANÇOIS COUPERIN (1668–1733), ed. DENIS HERLIN PIÈCES DE CLAVECIN, PREMIER LIVRE (1713) / PIÈCES DE CLAVECIN, SECOND LIVRE (1717) Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2016 / 2018 pp. xxxvi + 128, ismn979 0 006 50561 6 / pp. xxxviii + 137, ismn979 0 006 50562 3 Professor David Chung Hong Kong 20/8/2019
教育 Educational Technology Research and Development  Digital equity in cultural context: exploring the influence of Confucian heritage culture on Hong Kong families Dr Allan Yuen Hong Kong 15/2/2017
教育 Educational Technology Research and Development Metacognitive scaffolding for online information search in K-12 and higher education settings: a systematic review Dr Mingming Zhou Macau 22/1/2019
教育 Educational Technology Research and Development Grounding the flipped classroom approach in the foundations of educational technology Mr Chung Kwan Lo    Hong Kong 2/6/2018
教育 Educational Studies Educational decentralisation and students’ academic achievement: a cross-cultural analysis Dr. Kwok Kuen Tsang China 27/6/2021
教育 Educational Research Review Toward a set of design principles for mathematics flipped classrooms: A synthesis of research in mathematics education Dr Khe Foon Hew Hong Kong 24/8/2017
教育 Educational Studies The function and integration of components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in classroom teaching: a case study of business English teachers Dr Colin Yu Macau 9/3/2018
教育 Educational Research Review Understanding linguistic, individual and contextual factors in oral feedback research: A review of empirical studies in L2 classrooms Dr Colin Yu Macau 6/5/2018
教育 Educational Psychology Thinking styles and academic stress coping among Chinese secondary school students Dr Wei Yuan Hong Kong 2/6/2017
教育 Educational Research Review Toward a set of design principles for decoding training: A systematic review of studies of English as a foreign/second language listening education 5/7/2021
教育 Educational Psychology The contribution of parent–child numeracy activities to young Chinese children's mathematical ability Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 3/12/2017
教育 Educational Management Administration & Leadership  A review of research on professional learning communities in mainland China (2006–2015): Key findings and emerging themes Dr Colin Yu Macau 5/11/2017
教育 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability Assessing instructional leadership from two mindsets in China: power distance as a moderator Dr Jiafang Lu Hong Kong 9/6/2018
教育 Educational Management Administration & Leadership Exploring the relationships among instructional leadership, professional learning communities and teacher self-efficacy in China Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 15/3/2018
教育 ECNU Review of Education Teacher Efficacy and Affective Well-Being in Hong Kong: An Examination of Their Relationships and Individual Differences Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 6/1/2018