










学科 期刊 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
教育 International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Chinese lesson study, Learning study and keys to learning Dr Ming Fai Pang Hong Kong 10/9/2017
教育 Interactive Learning Environments How to lessen the effects of user resistance on the adoption of an e-learning environment: screenshot annotation on Flickr Dr Travis Huang Kuo Hua Taiwan 28/7/2017
教育 Interactive Learning Environments Comparing video styles and study strategies during video-recorded lectures: effects on secondary school mathematics students’ preference and learning Dr Chung Kwan Lo Hong Kong 16/11/2018
教育 Interactive Learning Environments The effects of pre-training types on cognitive load, collaborative knowledge construction and deep learning in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment Dr Jaewon Jung South Korea 29/5/2019
教育 Interactive Learning Environments A comparison of flipped learning with gamification, traditional learning, and online independent study: the effects on students’ mathematics achievement and cognitive engagement Dr Chung Kwan Lo Hong Kong 13/11/2018
教育 Interactive Learning Environments Investigating the effects of gamification-enhanced flipped learning on undergraduate students’ behavioral and cognitive engagement Ms Biyun Huang Hong Kong 20/7/2018
教育 Innovations in Education and Teaching International To be or not to be: Understanding university academic English teachers’ perceptions of assessing self-directed learning Dr Ken Lau Hong Kong 24/2/2017
教育 Instructional Science Promoting students’ use of epistemic understanding in the evaluation of socioscientific issues through a practice-based approach Dr Jessica Leung Hong Kong 17/8/2020
教育 Higher Education Research & Development Undergraduate students’ approaches to studying and perceptions of learning context: a comparison between China and Chile Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 13/7/2018
教育 Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal Career and life planning education in Hong Kong: Challenges and opportunities on the theoretical and empirical fronts Dr Lawrence Wong Hong Kong 12/1/2017
人文学科 Human Geography  Review On The Impact Of The Internet On Spatial Organization Of Retail Mr Wanfu Jin   China 3/11/2017
教育 Higher Education Quarterly Exploring regional and institutional factors of international students' dropout: The South Korea case Dr Jisun Jung Hong Kong 12/1/2017
教育 Higher Education Research & Development Motivated or informed? Chinese undergraduates’ beliefs about the functions of continuous assessment in their college English course Dr Ying Zhan Hong Kong 12/6/2019
教育 Higher Education A case study of faculty perceptions of teaching support and teaching efficacy in China: characteristics and relationships Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 1/6/2018
教育 Higher Education Quarterly Effects of mobilities on the research output and its multidisciplinarity of academics in Hong Kong and Macau: An exploratory study Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 4/6/2018
教育 Higher Education The research agenda setting of higher education researchers Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 25/1/2018
教育 Higher Education What motivates Chinese undergraduates to engage in learning? Insights from a psychological approach to student engagement research Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 19/2/2018
法律与法理学 European Journal of Health Law Doctor’s Criminal Liability and Medically Assisted Death – The Portuguese Case Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 19/6/2019
教育 Heliyon Communication preference and the effectiveness of clickers in an Asian university economics course Dr. Raymond Li Hong Kong 29/4/2020
教育 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal Parents’ play beliefs and engagement in young children’s play at home Dr Hui Li Hong Kong 3/9/2018