We match papers to editors that can add the most value. We’d like to introduce a few of our editors that are working hard behind the scenes.
First up we are excited to introduce Stephen. Stephen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Princeton University. Following work as a research assistant, he completed his PhD in Economics at Stanford University. Currently, he is a Nuffield Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, University of Oxford, where his primary research area is microeconomic theory. We are so lucky that Stephen takes time out of his schedule to help us in our quest to ensure Asia’s best research gets published! If you have an Economics paper why not enlist one of our experts to improve your chances of publication success!
We match papers to editors that can add the most value. We’d like to introduce a few of our editors that are working hard behind the scenes.
First up we are excited to introduce Stephen. Stephen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Princeton University. Following work as a research assistant, he completed his PhD in Economics at Stanford University. Currently, he is a Nuffield Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, University of Oxford, where his primary research area is microeconomic theory. We are so lucky that Stephen takes time out of his schedule to help us in our quest to ensure Asia’s best research gets published! If you have an Economics paper why not enlist one of our experts to improve your chances of publication success!