As the COVID-19 pandemic changes the way we all work, using Zoom on 21 September 2020 AsiaEdit conducted our first ever remote research grant proposal writing workshop for professors and researchers from the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong.
This online workshop built on the success of the same face-to-face workshop we delivered on campus last year. Thirty faculty members joined the session presented by our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Nick Case, to study case studies and learn from our experience in research proposal editing. The response to this online workshop was very positive and we were also able to conduct a smooth and constructive Q & A session using the remote conferencing technology.
The workshop, based on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the General Research Fund (GRF) every year, used examples of poor and improved proposals to identify how the attendees could make their GRF applications stand out from the crowd and focused on the “Pathways to Impact” section of the proposal as this is relatively new and seems to be the most problematic area of the proposal.
AsiaEdit Academy
Our research grant proposal writing workshop is just one of a full series of workshops covering different key academic writing skills we are proud to offer to educational institutions, faculty and departments. If you are interested in organising an academic writing workshop for your early career academics and research students, check out our training menu and feel free to discuss customising a programme with us.