










学科 期刊 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-生命 Communications Biology Droplet-based microfluidic platform for high-throughput screening of Streptomyces Ran Tu China 31/5/2021
科学-生命 Science of The Total Environment Reproductive toxicity and metabolic perturbations in male rats exposed to boron Yu'e Cha China 28/4/2021
科学-生命 Nucleic Acid Research Rcl1 depletion impairs 18S pre-rRNA processing at the A1-site and up-regulates a cohort of ribosome biogenesis genes in zebrafish Jinrong Peng China 21/5/2021
科学-生命 iScience Study of neurovascular coupling by using mesoscopic and microscopic imaging Congping Chen Hong Kong 25/9/2021
科学、地球与太空 Scientific Reports The spatial stress of urban land expansion on the water environment of the Yangtze River Delta in China Yufan Chen China 11/10/2022
科学-生命 Food Chemistry Flavoromic determination of lactones in cheddar cheese by GC–MS–olfactometry, aroma extract dilution analysis, aroma recombination and omission analysis Chen Chen China 2/8/2021
科学、地球与太空 JGR: Oceans Effect of the Coriolis Force on Salt Dynamics in Convergent Partially Mixed Estuaries Wenping Gong China 12/11/2021
科学、地球与太空 Transactions in GIS A deep trajectory clustering method based on sequence-to-sequence autoencoder model Sensen Wu China 8/2/2022
科学、地球与太空 Science of The Total Environment Removing the effects of meteorological factors on changes in nitrogen dioxide and ozone concentrations in China from 2013 to 2020 Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 19/6/2021
科学、地球与太空 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science An assessment of residence and influence times in Xiamen Bay, China Peng Cheng China 22/9/2021
心理学 BMC Infectious Diseases Moderating effect of self-efficacy on the association of intimate partner violence with risky sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men in China Yang Zhu China 1/9/2021
科学、地球与太空 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information A Vector Field Approach to Estimating Environmental Exposure Using Human Activity Data Zijian Guo Hong Kong 15/2/2022
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology How Do University Students’ Perceptions of the Instructor’s Role Influence Their Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in Cloud-Based Virtual Classrooms During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Rong Wang China 16/4/2021
心理学 Current Psychology Eager to belong: Social cyberloafing as a coping response to workplace ostracism Yunyang Hu China 6/4/2021
心理学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Problematic Internet Usage and Self-Esteem in Chinese Undergraduate Students: The Mediation Effects of Individual Affect and Relationship Satisfaction Simon Fung Hong Kong 29/6/2021
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology Does Co-worker Presenteeism Increase Innovative Behavior? Evidence From IT Professionals Under the 996 Work Regime in China Tianan Yang China 1/7/2021
心理学 Psychology & Marketing Gratitude and sustainable consumer behavior: A moderated mediation model of time discounting and connectedness to the future self Leilei Guo China 20/5/2021
心理学 Computers in Human Behavior Value co-destruction: The influence of failed interactions on members’ behaviors in online travel communities Rui Zhang China 14/4/2021
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology Paradoxical Effects of Performance Pressure on Employees’ In-Role Behaviors: An Approach/Avoidance Model Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 22/10/2021
心理学 The Journal of Social Psychology To reflect and learn: the emotional labor strategies of victims of workplace ostracism and the role of anger Xiaowan (Lucy) Lin Macau 24/11/2022