










学科 期刊 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
工程、建筑与设计 The Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Numerical analysis of the influence of RBCs on oxygen transport within a tissue with an embedded capillary network Prof. Vera Ying He China 9/3/2020
科学-物理 The Journal of Navigation Improved Heuristic Drift Elimination Algorithm Optimisation Based on a Smartphone Gyroscope Mr Xianlei Ji China 11/11/2019
科学-物理 The Journal of Organic Chemistry Synthesis of Deoxyglycosides by Desulfurization under UV Light Dr Hai Dong    China 6/9/2017
科学-物理 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Comparative Analysis of Hydrogen Bond Vibrations in Ice VIII and VII Dr Peng Zhang China 22/5/2019
计算机、数学与统计 The Journal of Supercomputing Recent advances in metaheuristic algorithms: Does the Makara dragon exist? Dr Simon Fong Macau 24/12/2015
科学-物理 The Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society One‐Step Concentration of Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Tuna Oil by Low‐Temperature Crystallization Dr Yu Zhang China 2/4/2017
工程、建筑与设计 The Journal of The Textile Institute Design and fabrication of touch-sensitive polymeric optical fibre (POF) fabric Dr Ziqian Bai Hong Kong 24/5/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Thin-Walled Structures Hysteretic behaviour of SHS brace-H-shaped chord T-joints with transverse stiffeners Dr Xinze Guo China 13/11/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Transactions in GIS A reliable traffic prediction approach for bike‐sharing system by exploiting rich information with temporal link prediction strategy Ms. Yanxi Li China 7/3/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Investigations on the principle of full decoupling and type synthesis of 2R1T and 2R parallel mechanisms Dr Yundou Xu China 17/12/2018
科学-物理 The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics Analysis of factors affecting the performance of BIPV panels Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 28/11/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Social equity-based timetabling and ticket pricing for high-speed railways Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 28/5/2020
计算机、数学与统计 Statistical Methods & Applications Symbolic interval-valued data analysis for time series based on auto-interval-regressive models Dr Liang-Ching Lin Taiwan 6/3/2020
计算机、数学与统计 Statistics in Medicine Response‐adaptive treatment allocation for survival trials with clustered right‐censored data Dr Siu Hung Cheung    Hong Kong 19/4/2018
科学-物理 Steel Research International Corrosion Resistance of Carbon Steel Under Different Hydrophobicity Conditions Dr Jing Li China 30/5/2018
科学-物理 Strength of Materials Centrifuge Simulation of the Thermal Response of a Dry Sand-Embedded Diaphragm Wall Dr Shuang You China 27/3/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Structural Control and Health Monitoring Markov chain Monte Carlo‐based Bayesian method for structural model updating and damage detection Dr Paul Lam Hong Kong 1/11/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Surface and Coatings Technology Numerical stress analysis of the TBC-film cooling system under operating conditions considering the effects of thermal gradient and TGO growth Professor Weizhe Wang China 10/9/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Sustainable Cities and Society Assessing the effect of urban informal economic activity on the quality of the built environment for sustainable urban development in Lagos, Nigeria Mr Oluwole Soyinka    Hong Kong 18/5/2018
科学-物理 Sustainable Energy & Fuels Integrating hierarchical porous nanosheets in the design of carbon cloth-based sandwiched sulfur cathodes to achieve high areal capacity in lithium sulfur batteries Dr. Li-min Zhou Hong Kong 5/1/2020