Mike Poole
AsiaEdit 的首位员工之一是 Mike Poole 博士,他当时正在澳大利亚国立大学攻读博士学位。
Mike 遥距工作了一段时间,但在完成博士学位后,便移居香港担任总编辑。在接下来的 20 年里,Mike 在帮助 Nick 和 Peter 将业务发展到今天的规模当中发挥了关键作用。非常遗憾的是,Mike 在 2020 年去世了,但他最初帮助种下的种子,将继续茁壮成长。
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Tamkang University
London Business School
University College London
Institute of Applied Mechanics National Taiwan University
“The quality of editing is of course most important and AsiaEdit do not disappoint in this regard. But in support of that they offer flexible return options and payment methods and I can rely on them to stick to agreed deadlines.”
Institute of Applied Mechanics National Taiwan University
Institute of Applied Mechanics National Taiwan University