学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-医疗 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics MR Imaging of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Ann D King Hong Kong 18/11/2021
科学-医疗 Statistical Methods in Medical Research Response-adaptive treatment randomization for multiple comparisons of treatments with recurrent event responses Siu Hung Cheung China 28/4/2022
科学-医疗 Frontiers in Psychiatry Examining the Role of Attention Deficits in the Social Problems and Withdrawn Behavior of Children With Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms Trevor Yung Hong Kong 4/5/2021
科学-医疗 BMC Neurology Contribution of sleep quality to fatigue following a stroke: a cross-sectional study Shamay Ng Hong Kong 7/4/2021
科学-医疗 Journal of Clinical Hypertension Effects of smoking intensity trajectory, cumulative smoking exposure, and the number of years since quitting on the subsequent risk of hypertension Hui Fan China 28/6/2022
科学-医疗 Frontiers in Public Health The risk assessment of relapse among newly enrolled participants in methadone maintenance treatment: A group-LASSO based Bayesian network study Xijia Tang China 17/1/2023
科学-医疗 Frontiers in Genetics A Polymorphism in the BDNF Gene (rs11030101) is Associated With Negative Symptoms in Chinese Han Patients With Schizophrenia JIE ZHANG China 16/3/2022
科学-医疗 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Pyrroloquinoline quinone ameliorates renal fibrosis in diabetic nephropathy by inhibiting the pyroptosis pathway in C57BL/6 mice and human kidney 2 cells Bingzhong Zhai China 27/4/2022
科学-医疗 Academic Radiology Completeness of Reporting of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (DTA) of Radiological Articles Based on the PRISMA-DTA Reporting Guideline Jun Ho Kim South Korea 29/4/2022
科学-医疗 Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Application of digital PCR to determine the reliability of Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 assay with envelope (E) gene negative and nucleocapsid (N2) gene positive results Chun Wai Wong Hong Kong 20/5/2022
科学-医疗 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases Drivers and forecasts of multiple waves of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: A systematic analysis based on an interpretable machine learning framework Zicheng Cao China 22/2/2022
科学-医疗 Brain Sciences Neurofeedback for the Education of Children with ADHD and Specific Learning Disorders: A Review Hsu-Wen Huang Hong Kong 14/9/2022
科学-医疗 Schizophrenia Research Longitudinal changes of cognitive function and its relationship with subdomains of negative symptoms in patients with adult-onset first-episode schizophrenia: A 4-year follow up study Sherry Chan Hong Kong 17/1/2023
科学-医疗 Clinical Rehabilitation Effect of physical exercise on fear of falling in patients with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis Marco Pang Hong Kong 28/11/2022
科学-医疗 BMC Geriatrics Perceptions of and hesitancy toward COVID-19 vaccination in older Chinese adults in Hong Kong: a qualitative study Yuan Cao Hong Kong 6/4/2022
科学-医疗 BMC Geriatrics Association between childhood friendship and cognitive ageing trajectory in later life: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) Jinzhao Xie Sun Yat-Sen University 6/9/2022
科学-医疗 Frontiers in Immunology Epidemiological Trends in Alopecia Areata at the Global, Regional, and National Levels Liyuan Han Ningbo University 14/7/2022
科学-医疗 Thyroid Normal-Range Paternal Serum-Free Thyroxine Concentrations and Outcomes of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Meng Rao Kunming Medical University 6/10/2022
科学-医疗 Vaccines Economic Value of Vaccines to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Xuechen Xiong The Chinese University of Hong Kong 23/3/2022
科学-医疗 Human Genetics and Genomics Advances A Mendelian randomization-based exploration of red blood cell distribution width and mean corpuscular volume with risk of hemorrhagic strokes Kei Hang Katie Chan City University of Hong Kong 8/10/2022