学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
心理学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Psychosocial Correlates of Reactive and Proactive Aggression among Protesters during the Social Movement in Hong Kong Lai Chu Annis Fung City University of Hong Kong 13/4/2022
心理学 Current Psychology Neurofeedback training: Decreases in Mu rhythm lead to improved motor performance in complex visuomotor skills Tsung-Min Hung National Taiwan Normal University 18/5/2022
心理学 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Smartphone use increases the likelihood of making short-sighted financial decisions Wei-Fen Chen University of Leicester 17/1/2023
心理学 Journal of Organizational Behavior More pain, more change? The mediating role of presenteeism and the moderating role of ostracism Yanxia Wang Lanzhou University 20/10/2022
心理学 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Individual-level exit choice behaviour under uncertain risk Eric Wai Ming Lee Hong Kong 30/6/2022
心理学 Internet Interventions Psychological stress self-help interventions for healthcare workers in the context of COVID-19 in China: A randomized controlled trial protocol Pengyue Guo China 20/4/2022
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology CEO Overconfidence, Corporate Governance, and R&D Smoothing in Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Firms Yu Huang China 13/7/2022
心理学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health When Big Data Backfires: The Impact of a Perceived Privacy Breach by Pharmaceutical E-Retailers on Customer Boycott Intention in China Tingyu Liu/ Rong Liu China 15/4/2022
心理学 Young Consumers Why do young people do things for the environment? The effect of perceived values on pro-environmental behaviour Peggy Ng Hong Kong 21/4/2022
心理学 Stress & Health Smartphone use after work mediates the link between organizational norm of connectivity and emotional exhaustion: Will workaholism make a difference? Hai Jiang Wang China 13/7/2021
心理学 PLOS ONE The effect of employees’ sense of power on supervisors’ voice endorsement: A cross-level moderated mediation model Yuan Cheng China 10/7/2021
心理学 Deviant Behavior The Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: Psychosocial Risk Factors and Hong Kongers’ Attitudes toward Violence Oliver Chan Hong Kong 7/7/2021
心理学 Journal of Managerial Psychology Servant leadership and employee voice: A moderated mediation Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 29/6/2021
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology Category Exemplar Production Norms for Hong Kong Cantonese: Instance Probabilities and Word Familiarity Hsu-Wen Huang Hong Kong 8/9/2021
心理学 International Journal of Hospitality Management To speak up or stay silent? How employee–supervisor value differences affect speaking up behavior in the hospitality industry Shudi Liao China 25/5/2021
心理学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Mental Health Literacy Intervention on Help-Seeking in Athletes: A Systematic Review Danran  BU  Hong Kong 4/10/2020
心理学 Child Abuse & Neglect Maltreatment and depression among left-behind adolescents in rural China: The moderating roles of food security and depression literacy Fan  Yang  China 4/2/2021
心理学 Journal of Managerial Psychology Person–job fit and job involvement: the curvilinear effect and the moderating role of goal orientation Li  Ma  China 18/3/2021
心理学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health A Review of Psychological Issues among Patients and Healthcare Staff during Two Major Coronavirus Disease Outbreaks in China: Contributory Factors and Management Strategies Ka Ming  Chow  Hong Kong 14/9/2020
心理学 Journal of Health Psychology Relationships between resilience and quality of life in parents of children with cancer William  Li  Hong Kong 31/1/2021