学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
护理与健康科学 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the resilience scale for children with cancer William Li Hong Kong 2/10/2021
护理与健康科学 Public Health Long-term trends in the incidence of congenital anomalies in Central China from 1997 to 2019 Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 13/1/2022
护理与健康科学 Frontiers in Pediatrics The Lived Experience of Resilience in Parents of Children With Cancer: A Phenomenological Study William Li Hong Kong 30/5/2022
护理与健康科学 Supportive Care in Cancer Navigating communication between conventional medicine and traditional Chinese medicine: a case study of cancer patients in Hong Kong Jack Pun Hong Kong 24/3/2022
护理与健康科学 Frontiers in Public Health The Influence of a School Social Network Intervention on Adolescent's Health Behaviors: A Gender-Specific Agent-Based Model Shu Zhang Tianjin University 4/4/2022
护理与健康科学 Health Communication How Exposure to Online Parenting Content Relates to Mothers’ Self-Discrepancy and Postpartum Mental Health Yanqing Sun Hunan University 20/9/2020
护理与健康科学 Frontiers in Public Health Effectiveness of a Parent-Focused Intervention Targeting 24-H Movement Behaviors in Preschool-Aged Children: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Jie Feng Hong Kong Baptist University 23/5/2022
护理与健康科学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Role of Contact Care by Adult Children in Relieving Depression in Older Adult Individuals Seo-Youn Hong  Ewha Womans University 29/6/2022
护理与健康科学 BMJ Open Exploring social capital for family caregivers of patients with chronic organ failure: Study protocol for a concept mapping study Marques Shek-nam Ng Hong Kong 17/6/2022
护理与健康科学 JMIR mHealth and uHealth Problem-Based mHealth Literacy Scale (PB-mHLS): Development and Validation Pengxiang Li China 4/8/2022
护理与健康科学 Supportive Care in Cancer Psychological interventions for enhancing resilience in parents of children with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis William Li Hong Kong 15/6/2021
护理与健康科学 BMC Public Health Perceptions, behaviours and attitudes towards smoking held by the male partners of Chinese pregnant women: A qualitative study William Li Hong Kong 20/10/2021
护理与健康科学 Journal of Advanced Nursing The effect of felt trust from patients among nurses on attitudes towards nursing service delivery Jie Wang China 8/7/2021
护理与健康科学 Health & Social Care in the Community Engaging community-dwelling older adults as co-developers in a public outdoor exercise facilities-based physical activity education intervention: A mixed-method participatory study in Hong Kong Lok Chun Janet Lee Hong Kong 24/10/2021
护理与健康科学 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Translation and validation of the Traditional Chinese version of the COmprehensive Score for financial Toxicity-Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (Version 2) Vivian Wu Hong Kong 1/8/2021
护理与健康科学 Health & Place Dose-response effect of a large-scale greenway intervention on physical activities: The first natural experimental study in China Yi Lu Hong Kong 1/1/2021
护理与健康科学 Clinical Infectious Diseases Effects of Human Behavior Changes During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic on Influenza Spread in Hong Kong Yuguo  Li  Hong Kong 4/12/2020
护理与健康科学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Gender Specificity of Spousal Concordance in the Development of Chronic Disease among Middle-Aged and Older Chinese Couples: A Prospective Dyadic Analysis Jing  Zhang  China 11/3/2021
护理与健康科学 Risk Management in East Asia Understanding China’s National Emergency Management System Lei  Sun  China 23/2/2021
护理与健康科学 Environmental Science & Technology Modeling and Experimental Validation of Microbial Transfer via Surface Touch Pengcheng  Zhao  Hong Kong 30/12/2020