学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
工程、建筑与设计 Mathematical Problems in Engineering How to Mitigate Theme Park Crowding? A Prospective Coordination Approach Dr Weimin Zheng   China 15/4/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Materials Science and Engineering: C Antifertility effectiveness of a novel copper-containing intrauterine device material and its influence on the endometrial environment in rats Dr Shifu Hu China 4/12/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Materials & Design A machine-learning approach to predicting and understanding the properties of amorphous metallic alloys Prof. San Qiang Shi Hong Kong 23/11/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Materials Equivalent Pore Channel Model for Fluid Flow in Rock Based on Microscale X-ray CT Imaging Dr. Chae-Soon Choi Korea 6/8/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Maritime Engineering  Capturing effects of container location dispersion on quay crane performance Dr Xiaowen Fu    Australia 21/6/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of visualization  Near-field interaction of an inclined jet with a crossflow: LIF visualization and TR-PIV measurement Professor Yingzheng Liu   China 30/6/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Landscape and Urban Planning Using Google Street View to investigate the association between street greenery and physical activity Dr Yi Lu Hong Kong 28/9/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Transportation Safety & Security A Two-Step quantile selection model for the safety analysis at signalized intersections Professor SC Wong Hong Kong 20/11/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Turbomachinery Flow Structures and Unsteady Behaviors of Film Cooling from Discrete Holes Fed by Internal Crossflow Prof. Wenwu Zhou China 3/11/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Visualization Measurement of unsteady flow structures in a low-speed wind tunnel using continuous wave laser-based TR-PIV: near wake behind a circular cylinder Professor Yingzheng Liu    China 9/1/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Transportation Safety & Security Spatial joint analysis for zonal daytime and nighttime crash frequencies using a Bayesian bivariate conditional autoregressive model Professor SC Wong    Hong Kong 20/11/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing Knowledge-Based Identification and Damage Detection of Bridges Spanning Water via High-Spatial-Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery Dr Chao Chen China 20/9/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Transport & Health A dose–response effect between built environment characteristics and transport walking for youths Dr Yi Lu China 23/8/2019
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of the American Water Resources Association Rapid Assessment of Hydrologic Performance of Low Impact Development Practices under Design Storms Dr May Chui    Hong Kong 3/5/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Pedestrian Behavior at Signalized Crosswalks in Rainy Conditions: Calibration and Simulation Dr Karen Tam Hong Kong 25/4/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Terramechanics Endurance study of bionic wheels for Mars rovers Mr Yunpeng Yan   China 11/6/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Sound and Vibration On the distribution of the modulus of Gabor wavelet coefficients and the upper bound of the dimensionless smoothness index in the case of additive Gaussian noises: Revisited Dr Dong Wang Hong Kong 2/10/2017
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Structural Engineering Fire-Resistance Behavior of Completely Overlapped Tubular Joints under Lap Brace Axial Loading Mr Xingquan Guan China 20/6/2018
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Safety Research Severity of passenger injuries on public buses: A comparative analysis of collision injuries and non-collision injuries Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 5/4/2020
工程、建筑与设计 Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Comparison of lipid and biodiesel properties of Chaetoceros muelleri cultured in deep sea water and surface sea water Dr Cherng Yuan Lin Taiwan 15/2/2017