学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
计算机、数学与统计 Computer Standards & Interfaces The trust model of enterprise purchasing for B2B e-marketplaces Dr. Shu-Chiung Lin Taiwan 20/2/2020
计算机、数学与统计 Mathematical Problems in Engineering Dynamic Pricing of Ride-Hailing Platforms considering Service Quality and Supply Capacity under Demand Fluctuation Mr. Zhongmiao Sun China 16/7/2020
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of Time Series Analysis Walsh Fourier Transform of Locally Stationary Time Series Mr. Zhenlin Huang Hong Kong 21/10/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) A Bayesian approach to developing a stochastic mortality model for China Professor Wai-Sum Chan    Hong Kong 20/5/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of the American Statistical Association Batch Effects Correction with Unknown Subtypes Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 17/7/2018
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of the American Statistical Association An Extended Mallows Model for Ranked Data Aggregation Dr Xiaodan Fan Hong Kong 23/4/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of Systems and Software LDFR: Learning deep feature representation for software defect prediction Dr. Jacky Keung Hong Kong 9/2/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of Multivariate Analysis Composite partial likelihood estimation for length-biased and right-censored data with competing risks Dr Heng Peng Hong Kong 26/4/2016
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of Medical Internet Research Application of a Blockchain Platform to Manage and Secure Personal Genomic Data: A Case Study of LifeCODE.ai in China Ms. Miao Zhang China 9/10/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics Blowup for Projected 2 -Dimensional Rotational C2 Solutions of Compressible Euler Equations Dr Steven Yuen    Hong Kong 9/9/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Bitcoin price prediction using machine learning: An approach to sample dimension engineering Dr Zheshi Chen China 13/8/2019
计算机、数学与统计 IT Professional Fast Incremental Learning With Swarm Decision Table and Stochastic Feature Selection in an IoT Extreme Automation Environment Dr Simon Fong Macau 5/6/2019
计算机、数学与统计 IT Professional The use of big data analytics to predict the foreign exchange rate based on public media: A machine-learning experiment Mr Che-Chuan Hsu Taiwan 16/4/2018
计算机、数学与统计 International Journal of Medical Informatics Smooth Bayesian network model for the prediction of future high-cost patients with COPD Professor Frank Chen Hong Kong 4/4/2019
计算机、数学与统计 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology Learning fraction comparison by using a dynamic mathematics software – GeoGebra Dr Eric Poon  Hong Kong 29/11/2017
计算机、数学与统计 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making A Language for Financial Chart Patterns Dr Lawrence Si Macau 16/7/2018
计算机、数学与统计 INFORMS Journal on Computing Multisourcing Supply Network Design: Two-Stage Chance-Constrained Model, Tractable Approximations, and Computational Results Dr Miao Song Hong Kong 4/5/2017
计算机、数学与统计 Information Sciences Let terms choose their own kernels: An intelligent approach to kernel selection for healthcare search Mr Yang Song China 2/7/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Information Visualization Force-directed algorithms for schematic drawings and placement: A survey Mr Eric Cheong    Macau 1/3/2019
计算机、数学与统计 Information and Software Technology Systematic literature review and empirical investigation of barriers to process improvement in global software development: Client–vendor perspective Dr Jacky Keung    Hong Kong 19/3/2017