学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
教育 Teaching and Teacher Education Teacher agency and identity commitment in curricular reform Dr Xuesong Gao Hong Kong 26/1/2017
教育 Teaching and Teacher Education Choose your strategy wisely: Examining the relationships between emotional labor in teaching and teacher efficacy in Hong Kong primary schools Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 5/2/2017
教育 Teachers and Teaching Leading with teachers’ emotional labour: relationships between leadership practices, emotional labour strategies and efficacy in China Professor Hongbiao Yin    Hong Kong 14/8/2018
教育 System Disciplinary variations in learning styles and preferences: Implications for the provision of academic English Dr Ken Lau   Hong Kong 21/12/2018
教育 Teacher Development  Teacher self-efficacy in cultivating students to become ‘good citizens’: a Hong Kong case Dr Linnie Wong   Hong Kong 13/12/2018
教育 Teachers and Teaching How do teachers learn together? A study of school-based teacher learning in China from the perspective of organisational learning Dr Xiaolei Zhang China 17/10/2017
教育 Studies in Higher Education Organisational factors and academic research agendas: an analysis of academics in the social sciences Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 5/6/2019
教育 System A longitudinal case study of changes in students’ attitudes, participation, and learning in collaborative writing Dr Colin Yu Macau 22/3/2019
人文学科 Studies in Documentary Film Sino-Canadian documentary coproduction: transnational production mode, narrative pattern and theatrical release in China Ms. Shan Tong   Hong Kong 10/6/2018
教育 Studies in Higher Education Inequality and access to elite universities in China: reexamining the interacting multiple capitals model Mrs. Yanan Zhang Hong Kong 1/8/2020
法律与法理学 SSRN ASEAN Financial Integration and ‘One Belt, One Road’: Legal Challenges to and Opportunities for China in Southeast Asia Professor Christopher Chen Singapore 13/3/2019
教育 Structural and Institutional Transformations in Doctoral Education PhD Students’ Self-Perception of Skills Acquired During Their PhD and Plans for Their Postdoctoral Careers: A Joint Analysis of Doctoral Students at Three Flagship Universities in Asia Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 31/3/2020
教育 Student Learning, Childhood & Voices English language testing of very young children: The case of Japan Ms Ruriko Otomo Hong Kong 18/7/2016
教育 Scientometrics An instrument to measure individuals’ research agenda setting: the multi-dimensional research agendas inventory Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 25/6/2016
教育 Sport, Education and Society Landscape of secondary physical education teachers’ professional development in South Korea Professor Okseon Lee South Korea 29/4/2019
法律与法理学 SSRN Legal Environment and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from State Tax Codes Professor Wayne Thomas   USA 19/6/2019
教育 School Effectiveness and School Improvement Are professional learning communities beneficial for teachers? A multilevel analysis of teacher self-efficacy and commitment in China Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 9/4/2020
教育 Schools Positive Emotional Experiences in Teaching, Teacher Identity, and Student Behaviors: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Dr Kwok Kuen Tsang China 9/1/2018
教育 Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia Human rights education in Asia Dr Eric Chong Hong Kong 5/11/2018
教育 SAGE Open The English Communication and Learning Needs of Master of Business Administration Students and Curriculum Development at a Chinese University Ms Qing Xie China 3/8/2019