学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-医疗 Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology Effects of acute oral lead exposure on the levels of essential elements of mice: a metallomics and dose-dependent study Dr. Leilei Yu China 17/7/2020
科学-医疗 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Validation Of Previous-day Recalls Of Screen-based Sedentary Behavior In Young Male Adults Ms. Chen Zheng Hong Kong 28/5/2020
科学-医疗 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction Predictive value of the sperm DNA fragmentation index for low or failed IVF fertilization in men with mild-to-moderate asthenozoospermia Dr. Meng Rao China 11/7/2020
科学-医疗 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Perceived social support and life satisfaction of Chinese parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: Loneliness as a mediator and moderator Mr. Ming Hui Lu China 22/7/2021
科学-医疗 Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology Oral mucositis among Chinese cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: Effects and management strategies Dr. Bernard Law Hong Kong 23/7/2020
科学-医疗 European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Investigation of motor self-monitoring deficits in schizophrenia with passivity experiences using a novel modified joint position matching paradigm Dr. Yinam Suen Hong Kong 10/4/2021
科学-生命 Molecular Biology Reports Antibacterial effects of a polypeptide-enriched extract of Rana chensinensis via the regulation of energy metabolism Mrs. Ruochen Wang China 15/5/2020
科学-生命 Annals of Animal Science Effects of dietary supplementation of iron as sulphates or glycine chelates on the productive performance and concentrations of acute-phase proteins and iron in the serum and liver tissues of broiler chickens Dr. Lukasz Jarosz Poland 29/1/2021
科学-生命 Frontiers in Microbiology Triterpenoids Extracted From Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelia Attenuate Acute Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury in C57BL/6 Mice via Suppression Inflammatory Response Ms. Yange Liu China 3/7/2020
科学-生命 Genes Comparative Genomics of Lactobacillus crispatus from the Gut and Vagina Reveals Genetic Diversity and Lifestyle Adaptation Dr. Qiuxiang Zhang China 27/3/2020
科学-生命 Science of The Total Environment Gut microbiota: A target for heavy metal toxicity and a probiotic protective strategy Dr. Leilei Yu China 25/6/2020
科学-生命 Journal of Functional Foods Effects of probiotic supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors in hypercholesterolemia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trial Dr. Qixiao Zhai China 7/9/2020
科学-生命 Engineering Lactobacillus plantarum CCFM8610 Alleviates Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Prevents Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Pilot Clinical Trial Dr. Qixiao Zhai China 24/12/2020
科学-生命 Environmental Pollution Parental plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances and In Vitro fertilization outcomes Dr. Yinghui Ye China 27/11/2020
科学-生命 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Antibiotic-induced gut dysbiosis and barrier disruption and the potential protective strategies Dr. Leilei Yu China 16/11/2020
科学-生命 Food and Chemical Toxicology The characteristics of patulin detoxification by Lactobacillus plantarum 13M5 Dr. Leilei Yu China 6/10/2020
科学-生命 Scientific Reports Adherence to a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-style Diet in Relation to Preeclampsia: A Case-Control Study Mr. Yuan Cao China 3/6/2022
科学-生命 International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health Indoor transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 31/10/2020
科学-生命 Indian Journal of Microbiology VBAñAMF: A VBA Program Based on the Magnified Intersections Method for Quantitative Recording of Root Colonization by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Dr. Lan Pan China 10/4/2020
科学-生命 Microorganisms Insights into the Microbiological Safety of Wooden Cutting Boards Used for Meat Processing in Hong Kongís Wet Markets: A Focus on Food-Contact Surfaces, Cross-Contamination and the Efficacy of Traditional Hygiene Practices Dr. Olivier Habimana Hong Kong 17/4/2020