学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-社会 Sexual Abuse The Victim–Offender Overlap in Sexual Offending: Exploring a Community-Based Sample of Young Adults in Hong Kong Dr. Oliver Chan Hong Kong 22/12/2020
科学-社会 Information & Management Cyberbullying on social networking sites: A literature review and future research directions Dr. Christy Cheung Hong Kong 12/5/2020
科学-社会 Public Administration Review The Expectancy-Disconfirmation Model and Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services: A Meta-analysis and an Agenda for Best Practice Prof. Richard Walker Hong Kong 25/2/2021
科学-社会 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Development of the Cybercrime Rapid Identification Tool for Adolescents Dr. Simon Fung Hong Kong 30/6/2020
科学-社会 Social Work Helping People with Disabilities in the Workplace: Mezzo-Level Interventions Targeting Corporate Culture Dr. Ricky Kwan Hong Kong 30/7/2021
科学-社会 Tourism Geographies Health and local food consumption in cross-cultural tourism mobility: an assemblage approach Dr. Qingming Cui China 30/12/2020
科学-社会 International Journal of Information Management Audience management, online turbulence and lurking in social networking services: A transactional process of stress perspective Dr. Yun Zhang China 9/11/2020
科学-物理 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Enhanced superconducting performance in solution-derived YBa2Cu3O7−δ films using parallel ion-beam structure modification method Prof. San Sheng Wang China 1/5/2021
科学-物理 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Physical and numerical simulation of mixed columnar-equiaxed solidification during cold strip feeding in continuous casting Dr. Zhong Qiu Liu China 28/3/2021
科学-物理 Polymer Testing Comparison of low-velocity impact damage in thermoplastic and thermoset composites by non-destructive three-dimensional X-ray microscope Dr. Taoye Lu China 7/9/2020
科学-物理 Water Research Enhancing acidogenic fermentation of waste activated sludge via isoelectric-point pretreatment: Insights from physical structure and interfacial thermodynamics Dr. Ying Xu China 26/7/2020
科学-物理 Science of The Total Environment A mechanism-based parameterisation scheme to investigate the association between transmission rate of COVID-19 and meteorological factors on plains in China Prof. Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 18/6/2020
科学-物理 Membranes CO2/N2 Separation Properties of Polyimide-Based Mixed-Matrix Membranes Comprising UiO-66 with Various Functionalities Prof. Tae-Hyun Bae Korea 17/7/2020
科学-物理 Environmental Pollution Perfluoroalkyl substances in the urine and hair of preschool children, airborne particles in kindergartens, and drinking water in Hong Kong Dr. Wen Jing Deng Hong Kong 12/7/2020
科学-物理 Atmospheric Environment Urban plume characteristics under various wind speed, heat flux, and stratification conditions Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 22/7/2020
科学-物理 Building and Environment Characteristics of urban air pollution in different regions of China between 2015 and 2019 Dr. Yifan Fan China 7/1/2020
科学-物理 Progress in Organic Coatings Effects of hydroxyethyl methacrylate comonomer in styrene/acrylate latex on coating structure and printability Dr. Hak Lae Lee Korea 7/6/2020
科学-医疗 European Journal of Radiology Quantitative study of preoperative staging of gastric cancer using intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging as a potential clinical index Dr. Qiang Zeng China 3/4/2021
科学-医疗 Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Vision improvement in severe acute isolated optic neuritis after plasma exchange treatment in Chinese population: a prospective case series study Dr. Shaoyin Tan China 21/8/2020
科学-生命 Development Genes and Evolution Multilevel regulation of muscle-specific transcription factor hlh-1 during Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis Mr. Guoye Guan China 19/6/2020