学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
教育 Thinking Skills and Creativity How should undergraduate students perceive knowledge as a product of human creation? Insights from a study on epistemic beliefs, intellectual risk-taking, and creativity Zhihong  Wan  Hong Kong 12/1/2021
教育 British Journal of Educational Technology Self-directed reflective assessment for collective empowerment among pre-service teachers Yuqin  Yang  China 11/10/2020
教育 Children & Society Kindergarten Education Scheme in Hong Kong: Policy measures, rhizomatic connections and early childhood teacher education Gail  Yuen  Hong Kong 7/11/2020
教育 Educational Technology Research and Development Exploring the use of technology among newly arrived children in Hong Kong: from an e-sports and cultural capital perspective Miaoting  Cheng  China 15/6/2022
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Cleaner Production Public versus private interest in social entrepreneurship: Can one serve two masters? Yanto  Chandra  Hong Kong 5/10/2020
计算机、数学与统计 IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems Multilabel Emotion Tagging for Domain-Specific Texts Samuel  Chan  Hong Kong 3/11/2021
工商管理与经济学 Academy of Management Proceedings Performance Effects of Trust-Dependence Congruence: The Mediating Role of Relational Behaviors Wei  Yang  China 1/8/2019
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Business Ethics Adversity Tries Friends: A Multilevel Analysis of Corporate Philanthropic Response to the Local Spread of COVID-19 in China Xin  Liu  China 17/2/2021
工商管理与经济学 Administrative Science Quarterly The Impact of Logic (In)Compatibility: Green Investing, State Policy, and Corporate Environmental Performance Shipeng  Yan  Hong Kong 23/6/2021
工商管理与经济学 Journal of International Marketing Leveraging Interfirm Relationships in China: Western Relational Governance or Guanxi? Domestic Versus Foreign Firms Zhaofang  Chu  China 20/10/2020
工商管理与经济学 Naval Research Logistics Subsidy design in a vessel speed reduction incentive program under government policies Shuaian  Wang  Hong Kong 19/9/2020
工商管理与经济学 Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy Protection of Cross-Border Data Flows Under International Investment Law Sheng  Zhang  China 17/8/2021
工商管理与经济学 Industrial Marketing Management The deterrence effect of Guanxi on opportunism: The moderating effects of “three institutional pillars” Chuang  Zhang  China 2/3/2021
工商管理与经济学 Computers & Operations Research Three-echelon slot allocation for yield and utilisation management in ship liner operations Eugene  Wong  Hong Kong 28/7/2022
工商管理与经济学 International Journal of Production Research Financing capital-constrained third party logistic firms: fourth party logistic driven financing mode vs. private lending driven financing mode Yi  Zhang  China 24/5/2021
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing The dilemma of relational embeddedness: mediating roles of influence strategies in managing marketing channel opportunism Yin  Zhou  China 6/11/2020
工商管理与经济学 Regional Studies Do airport activities affect regional economies? Regional analysis of New Zealand’s airport system Xiaowen  Fu  Hong Kong 23/12/2020
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Customers focus and impulse buying at night markets Annie Pei-I  Yu  Taiwan 24/12/2020
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Business Research Integrating the bright and dark sides of leadership: An investigation of the intragroup and intergroup effects of leader group prototypicality Yuanyi Chen Hong Kong 6/5/2021
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management Residents’ happiness of life in rural tourism development Rong  Wang  China 30/4/2021