学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-医疗 Medicine Musculoskeletal profile of middle-aged Ving Tsun Chinese martial art practitioners: A cross-sectional study Dr Shirley Fong Hong Kong 1/1/2017
科学-医疗 Medical Hypotheses Network cultivation, diurnal cortisol and biological ageing: The rejuvenation hypothesis Dr Julian Lai Hong Kong 28/9/2018
科学-医疗 Medical Science Monitor Early Protection by Resveratrol in Rat Lung Transplantation Dr Haichao Xu China 26/1/2019
科学-生命 Macro molecular Bioscience Simple Fabrication of Multicomponent Heterogeneous Fibers for Cell Co-Culture via Microfluidic Spinning Dr. Xinghua Gao China 5/2/2020
科学-医疗 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Chemical-shift encoding–based water–fat separation with multifrequency fat spectrum modeling in spin-lock MRI Prof. Weitian Chen Hong Kong 8/10/2019
科学-生命 mBio Pseudomonas aeruginosa Regulatory Protein AnvM Controls Pathogenicity in Anaerobic Environments and Impacts Host Defense Dr Xin Deng Hong Kong 23/7/2019
科学-生命 LWT – Food Science and Technology Effect of oxygen supply on milk-clotting activity expressed by Paenibacillus spp. strain BD3526 Dr Wei Chen China 22/4/2017
科学-医疗 mAbs  Establishment of peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived humanized lung cancer mouse models for studying efficacy of PD-L1/PD-1 targeted immunotherapy Professor Peng Li  China 2/10/2018
科学-生命 LWT Preventive effects of Lactobacillus plantarum ST-III against Salmonella infection Professor Zhennan Gu China 13/2/2019
科学-生命 Letters in applied microbiology Effects of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain types on the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency of filamentous fungus Mortierella alpina Dr. Haiqin Chen China 19/2/2020
科学-生命 Lipids in Health and Disease  Effect of low and high HDL-C levels on the prognosis of lupus nephritis patients: a prospective cohort study Dr Peiran Yin    China 6/12/2017
科学-医疗 Korean Journal of Orthodontics Time series analysis of patients seeking orthodontic treatment at Seoul National University Dental Hospital over the past decade Dr Shin-Jae Lee South Korea 27/7/2017
科学-生命 Lab on a Chip A disease model of diabetic nephropathy in a glomerulus-on-a-chip microdevice Professor Jianhua Qin China 10/4/2017
科学-医疗 Lasers in Medical Science Low-level laser-aided orthodontic treatment of periodontally compromised patients: a randomised controlled trial Dr Yanqi Yang Hong Kong 12/12/2019
科学-生命 Journal of Transport & Health Towards a cycling-friendly city: An updated review of the associations between built environment and cycling behaviors (2007–2017) Dr. Yi Lu Hong Kong 24/8/2019
科学-医疗 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Use of palivizumab with other infection control measures to control respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks in neonatal care units Dr Abdullah Al-Taiar Kuwait 25/4/2016
科学-生命 Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology GtfA Interacting with GtfB is Required for PsrP Glycosylation in Streptococcus pneumoniae Dr Yirong Li China 12/9/2018
科学-医疗 Journal of Thoracic Disease A novel facilitated negative-pressure wound therapy for thoracic incision infection after esophagectomy Dr Jinlin Cao China 27/2/2017
科学-生命 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture The inhibition mechanism of ϵ‐polylysine against Bacillus cereus emerging in surimi gel during refrigerated storage Dr Ruihua Su China 24/11/2018
科学-生命 Journal of Theoretical Biology Increased infection severity in downstream cities in infectious disease transmission and tourists surveillance analysis Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 6/3/2019