学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
工商管理与经济学 Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Analyst's Forecasts: A Review of the Literature Dr Md. Jahidur Rahman China 6/1/2019
科学-社会 Water Policy Simulation of water scarcity in a leap-forward developing arid region: a system dynamics model of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Dr Shanshan Dai China 25/3/2017
科学-社会 Women and Birth Perceptions of paternal involvement and labour pain management in Chinese couples during childbirth: A qualitative study Dr Vivian Ngai Hong Kong 25/3/2020
科学-社会 Verge: Studies in Global Asias “Wings of the New Japan”: Kamikaze, Kimonos, and Airline Branding in Postwar Japan Professor Yoshiko Nakano Hong Kong 1/1/2018
科学-社会 VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations Professionalization and Cost Efficiency of Fundraising in Charitable Organizations: The Case of Charitable Foundations in China Dr Na Ni Hong Kong 18/8/2016
科学-社会 Waste Management & Research Estimation of willingness-to-pay for the MSW disposal system by choice experiment approach: A case study of Taiwan Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 2/8/2019
科学-社会 Travel Behaviour and Society Big data and travel behaviour Professor Sylvia He Hong Kong 27/12/2017
科学-社会 Urban Studies Beyond unemployment: Informal employment and heterogeneous motivations for participating in street vending in present-day China Dr Gengzhi Huang China 9/7/2017
科学-社会 Tourism Management Perspectives Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)-based assessment of the value of non-World Heritage Tulou: A case study of Pinghe County, Fujian Province Professor Hang Ma China 21/3/2018
科学-社会 Tourism Management A mathematical model for tourism potential assessment Dr Libo Yan Macau 17/7/2017
科学-社会 Tourism Management Does tourism support supply-side structural reform in China? Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 24/10/2018
科学-社会 Tourism Management Understanding the tourist mobility using GPS: How similar are the tourists? Dr Weimin Zheng China 10/9/2018
科学-社会 Tourism Geographies Is price most important? Healthcare tourism in Southeast Asia Dr Zeng-Xian Liang China 21/9/2017
科学-社会 Tourism Management Understanding the tourist mobility using GPS: Where is the next place? Dr Xiaoting Huang China 30/8/2016
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Forecasting tourism demand using search query data: A hybrid modelling approach Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 5/8/2019
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Forecasting tourist arrivals at attractions: Search engine empowered methodologies Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 19/11/2018
科学-社会 Theory and Society Labor-related civil society actors in China: a Gramscian analysis Dr Elaine Hui United States 1/8/2020
科学-社会 Thinking Skills and Creativity What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy Dr Kelly Ku Hong Kong 13/5/2019
科学-社会 Tourism Economics Introduction to the special issue: Tourism forecasting – New trends and issues Dr Doris Wu China 12/5/2018
科学-社会 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Exploring the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Environmentally Friendly Vehicles Dr Minjung Roh South Korea 28/7/2018