学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Journal of Management The triggering effect of office design on employee creative performance: an exploratory investigation based on Duffy’s conceptualization Dr. Millissa Cheung Hong Kong 23/5/2020
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Journal of Management When it rains, it pours: A triple-pathway model of collective turnover based on causal mapping analysis Dr Song Wang China 3/8/2017
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Mistreatment from patients and nurses’ career withdrawal intention: does political skill matter? Dr Fengyu Li China 14/1/2020
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Journal of Management The curvilinear relationship between job satisfaction and employee voice: Speaking up for the organization and the self Professor Lucy Lin   Macau 6/4/2019
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Business Review  Trust, job security and subordinate–supervisor guanxi: Chinese employees in joint ventures and state-owned enterprises Professor Edward Wong   Hong Kong 10/6/2017
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources High commitment work system and firm performance: impact of psychological capital and environmental uncertainty Dr. Jason Chih-Chieh Chen China 31/8/2019
工商管理与经济学 Asia Pacific Business Review Paradox strategic cognition and ECSR in China: a three-tripod perspective Dr Xi Song China 20/3/2019
工商管理与经济学 Applied Economics Letters Stock liquidity and firm value: evidence from China Dr Zhuo Huang China 3/10/2017
工商管理与经济学 Applied Economics The demonstration effect of transactions between strangers on those between acquaintances: evidence from land rentals in rural China Dr. Qinying He China 15/4/2020
工商管理与经济学 Applied Economics Letters Cultural diversity in ownership and stock liquidity Dr. Hao Zhang China 2/3/2020
工商管理与经济学 Applied Economics Does individual investors’ attention influence underwriters’ IPO pricing? Dr Yuqin Huang China 2/3/2020
工商管理与经济学 Annals of Operations Research Optimal procurement strategies for contractual assembly systems with fluctuating procurement price Professor Youhua Chen Hong Kong 23/7/2019
工商管理与经济学 Annals of Tourism Research The effect of distance on tourist behavior: A study based on social media data Dr. Lan Xue China 16/4/2020
工商管理与经济学 Annals of Economics and Finance Social Security, Intergenerational Transfers, and Growth Dr Jingwen Yu China 5/1/2019
工商管理与经济学 Annals of Operations Research Inventory sharing of professional optics product supply chain with equal power agents Dr Chun-Hung Chiu China 23/2/2019
工商管理与经济学 Annals of Economics & Finance Characterizing Service Components of China’s Manufacturing Exports Mr Weigang Liu  China 11/1/2017
工商管理与经济学 Annals of Economics and Finance Import Competition and Export Markups: Evidence from Chinese Multi-Product Exporters Mr Hongkui Liu China 5/1/2019
工商管理与经济学 Accounting Horizons The Effects of Using Bank Auditors on Audit Quality and the Agency Cost of Bank Loans Professor Phyllis Mo Hong Kong 9/1/2017
工商管理与经济学 Accounting Research Journal Why do investors not punish politically connected firms for financial misrepresentation? A legitimacy-based perspective Dr Ying Zheng China 24/1/2020
工商管理与经济学 Airline Economics in Asia Market Development and Aviation Liberalization in Central Asia Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 14/12/2018