学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
心理学 Journal of Health Psychology Relationships among hope, psychological well-being and health-related quality of life in childhood cancer survivors Dr William Li Hong Kong 17/10/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Homosexuality The Politics of Sexual Citizenship: Negotiating Acts of Citizenship Among Non-Heterosexuals in Hong Kong Dr Ka-ki Chan   Hong Kong 20/9/2018
科学-社会 Journal of Gambling Studies Segmenting Chinese Gamblers Based on Gambling Forms: A Latent Class Analysis Dr Lawrence Fong Macau 19/7/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Gender Studies ‘I’m about to get my tamp on.’ Framing tampons in We Media promotion posts targeting Chinese females Dr Yi Mou China 30/7/2018
科学-社会 Journal of Global Health Integrated multisectoral non-communicable disease prevention and control in China: A review of agencies and policies Professor Xinhua Li China 28/7/2020
科学-社会 Journal of Family Issues Reproductive Choices of Highly Educated Employed Women with two Children Under the Universal Two-child Policy Ms. Yang Shen China 10/9/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Family Studies Grandparenting in Chinese skipped-generation families: cultural specificity of meanings and coping Dr Shirley Hung Hong Kong 27/9/2018
科学-社会 Journal of Family Violence Trapped and Resistant Body: Everyday Practices of Women in Taiwan in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence Dr. Connie Shih-Ya KUO Macau 8/6/2020
科学-社会 Journal of Family Issues Reconstruction of Masculine Identities Through Caring Practices: The Experiences of Male Caregivers in Hong Kong Dr Lai Ching Leung    Hong Kong 1/7/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Bringing children to the cities: gendered migrant parenting and the family dynamics of rural-urban migrants in China Dr Yinni Peng Hong Kong 14/8/2018
科学-社会 Journal of European Social Policy A new welfare regime in the making? Paternalistic welfare pragmatism in China Dr Ka Ho Mok Hong Kong 26/4/2018
科学-社会 Journal of Divorce & Remarriage A Qualitative Study of Parents’ and Children’s Views on Mediation Professor Mooly Wong Hong Kong 1/3/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Environmental Management End-of-life (EoL) mobile phone management in Hong Kong households Dr Wen-Jing Deng Hong Kong 23/5/2017
科学-社会 Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia Heritage Soft Power in East Asia’s Memory Contests: Promoting and Objecting to Dissonant Heritage in UNESCO Dr Ryoko Nakano Japan 30/6/2018
科学-社会 Journal of Convention & Event Tourism A framework of environmental mitigation for the convention and exhibition centers in the China greater Bay area Dr Barry Mak Hong Kong 1/12/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Contemporary China Top-Level Design and Fragmented Decision-Making: A Case Study of an SOE Merger in China’s High-Speed Rail Industry Dr Dongya Huang China 22/8/2017
科学-社会 Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice A Comparative Analysis of Expert Advisors’ Role Perceptions in Policymaking: The Case of Hong Kong, China Professor Wei Li Hong Kong 18/12/2019
科学-社会 Journal of Contemporary Asia Work and Family Life among Migrant Factory Workers in China and Vietnam Dr Kaxton Siu Hong Kong 14/10/2019
心理学 Journal of Clinical Psychology The effect of positive and negative memory bias on anxiety and depression symptoms among adolescents. Professor Samuel Ho Hong Kong 28/2/2018
科学-社会 Journal of Communication Disorders Speech sound disorders or differences: Insights from bilingual children speaking two Chinese languages Dr Carol To Hong Kong 23/9/2017