学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
工商管理与经济学 Human Resource Management Journal Selecting people based on person‐organisation fit: Implications for intrateam trust and team performance Professor Zhixue Zhang China 15/6/2020
工商管理与经济学 Human Resource Management How do leaders' perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading-effects model Prof. Sebastian C. Schuh China 25/11/2019
工商管理与经济学 Human Relations Learning from supervisor negative gossip: The reflective learning process and performance outcome of employee receivers Professor Jie Wang China 19/10/2019
工商管理与经济学 Human Resource Management Are embedded employees active or passive? The roles of learning goal orientation and preferences for wide task boundaries and job mobility in the embeddedness–voice link Professor Thomas Ng Hong Kong 21/2/2018
工商管理与经济学 Growth and Change Understanding urbanization and its impact on the livelihood levels of urban residents in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Ms Dan Cui China 30/1/2019
工商管理与经济学 Horizons SEC Comment Letters on Firms' Use of Non-GAAP Measures: The Determinants and Firms' Responses Prof. Koren Jo Hong Kong 12/6/2019
工商管理与经济学 Global Strategy Journal Reducing uncertainty in follow‐up foreign direct investment: Imitation by family firms Dr Sebastian Fourne Canada 28/10/2018
工商管理与经济学 Group & Organization Management Informational Faultlines, Integrative Capability, and Team Creativity Dr Xiaoqian Qu China 29/6/2017
工商管理与经济学 Finance Research Letters Trade policy uncertainty and its impact on the stock market -evidence from China-US trade conflict Dr. Feng He China 9/4/2020
工商管理与经济学 Frontiers of Business Research in China Towards an asymmetry-based view of Chinese firms’ technological catch-up Dr Yang Liu Hong Kong 11/6/2018
工商管理与经济学 Future Internet Information Quality or Entities’ Interactivity? Understanding the Determinants of Social Network-Based Brand Community Participation Dr Xian Cheng China 4/1/2019
工商管理与经济学 Finance Research Letters Political connections and the value of cash holdings Dr Yuanto Kusnadi Singapore 27/3/2019
工商管理与经济学 Finance Research Letters Improving futures hedging performance using option information: Evidence from the S&P 500 index Dr Zhiyuan Pan China 26/4/2018
工商管理与经济学 Finance Research Letters Time-consistent mean-variance hedging of an illiquid asset with a cointegrated liquid asset Professor Hoi Ying Wong   Hong Kong 29/7/2018
工商管理与经济学 Experimental Economics Risk breeds risk aversion Dr Tai-Sen He Singapore 17/11/2017
工商管理与经济学 Expert Systems with Applications Predicting auction price of vehicle license plate with deep recurrent neural network Dr Vinci Chow   Hong Kong 10/7/2019
工商管理与经济学 European Journal of Operational Research Bundling decisions in a two-product duopoly – Lead or follow? Dr Boqian Song China 25/1/2020
工商管理与经济学 European Journal of Operational Research Green product development under competition: A study of the fashion apparel industry Dr Jerry Shen China 31/7/2019
工商管理与经济学 European Financial Management, Forthcoming Limits-to-arbitrage, Investment Frictions, and the Investment Effect: New Evidence Professor John Wei Hong Kong 3/10/2019
工商管理与经济学 European Journal of Operational Research Effects of a secondary market on original equipment manufactures’ pricing, trade-in remanufacturing, and entry decisions Professor Yongjian Li China 26/4/2019