学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-生命 Frontiers in Microbiology Genomic Characterization of a Uropathogenic Escherichia coli ST405 Isolate Harboring blaCTX-M-15-Encoding IncFIA-FIB Plasmid, blaCTX-M-24-Encoding IncI1 Plasmid, and Phage-Like Plasmid Polly Leung The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 4/11/2022
科学-生命 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Semi-mechanistic population pharmacokinetics analysis reveals distinct CYP2C19 dependency in the bioactivation of vicagrel and clopidogrel to active metabolite M15–2 Xiaoyu Yan The Chinese University of Hong Kong 20/7/2022
科学-生命 Acta Physiologica HDAC3 inhibition improves urinary-concentrating defect in hypokalaemia by promoting AQP2 transcription Chunling Li Sun Yat-Sen University 18/2/2022
科学、地球与太空 Remote Sensing Estimating High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations by Fusing Satellite AOD and Smartphone Photographs Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Ensemble Learning Fei Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong 21/3/2022
科学、地球与太空 Advances in Space Research Coastline detection using optical and synthetic aperture radar images Suwen Xu Shanghai Ocean University 19/4/2022
科学、地球与太空 Land Use Policy Mapping the emission of air pollution sources based on land-use classification: A case study of Shengzhou, China Yufan Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences 3/10/2022
科学-生命 Psychoneuroendocrinology Longitudinal associations between salivary cortisol to C-reactive protein ratios and psychological well-being in Chinese adults Ted Fong The University of Hong Kong 6/6/2022
心理学 Child Abuse & Neglect Childhood emotional abuse and adolescent flourishing: A moderated mediation model of self-compassion and curiosity Sylvia Kwok Lai Yuk Ching City University of Hong Kong 16/4/2021
科学、地球与太空 Water Research Molecular-level composition of dissolved organic matter in distinct trophic states in Chinese lakes: Implications for eutrophic lake management and the global carbon cycle Shasha Liu University of Science and Technology Beijing 4/9/2022
科学、地球与太空 Earth and Space Science Rock Abundance and Erosion Rate at the Zhurong Landing Site in Southern Utopia Planitia on Mars Zeyu Chen The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 7/11/2022
科学、地球与太空 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Pilot Study of Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Risk of Disinfection Byproducts in Natural Waters in Hong Kong Wen Jing Deng The Education University of Hong Kong 28/7/2022
心理学 Acta Psychologica Sinica The double-edged sword of employee authenticity in coworker interactions: The moderating role of relationship duration Yipeng Tang The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 25/1/2023
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology The Influence of Various Role Models on Children’s Pro-environmental Behaviours Mingyue Liang Ningbo University 20/5/2020
心理学 Journal of Psychosomatic Research Personality changes after subarachnoid hemorrhage: A systematic review and meta-analysis WK Tang The Chinese University of Hong Kong 14/2/2022
心理学 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Psychosocial Correlates of Reactive and Proactive Aggression among Protesters during the Social Movement in Hong Kong Lai Chu Annis Fung City University of Hong Kong 13/4/2022
心理学 Current Psychology Neurofeedback training: Decreases in Mu rhythm lead to improved motor performance in complex visuomotor skills Tsung-Min Hung National Taiwan Normal University 18/5/2022
心理学 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Smartphone use increases the likelihood of making short-sighted financial decisions Wei-Fen Chen University of Leicester 17/1/2023
心理学 International Journal of Selection and Assessment Consistency matters: The interaction effect of grooming and dress style on hirability Jane Wang/Haizhen Wang N/A 8/9/2022
护理与健康科学 Frontiers in Public Health The Influence of a School Social Network Intervention on Adolescent's Health Behaviors: A Gender-Specific Agent-Based Model Shu Zhang Tianjin University 4/4/2022
护理与健康科学 Health Communication How Exposure to Online Parenting Content Relates to Mothers’ Self-Discrepancy and Postpartum Mental Health Yanqing Sun Hunan University 20/9/2020