学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
工商管理与经济学 Nang Yan Business Journal Value of Professional Property Managers in Residential Project Development Ms Teresa Li Hong Kong 8/10/2016
工商管理与经济学 Maritime Business Review An evaluation of mid-stream operation in Hong Kong Professor Adolf Ng Canada 15/12/2017
工商管理与经济学 Marketing Science Search and Learning at a Daily Deals Website Dr Mandy Hu Hong Kong 7/8/2019
工商管理与经济学 Management Science Analysts’ Beauty and Performance Dr George Yang Hong Kong 26/2/2019
工商管理与经济学 Managerial Finance Advances in the corporate finance literature: a survey of recent studies on Korea Professor Kwangwoo Park South Korea 1/8/2018
工商管理与经济学 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Shipping to Heterogeneous Customers with Competing Carriers Mr Tao Lu Hong Kong 23/9/2019
工商管理与经济学 Management Science Two Birds, One Stone: Joint Timing of Returns and Capital Gains Taxes Dr Leah Li Hong Kong 6/9/2019
工商管理与经济学 Management and Organization Review CEO Values, Firm Long-Term Orientation, and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms Dr Weiguo Zhong China 26/12/2019
工商管理与经济学 Management Decision Intra- and inter-regional expansion: a nonlinear model Professor Hua Zhang Hong Kong 7/8/2019
工商管理与经济学 Management Science Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Innovation Mr. Sibo Liu Hong Kong 10/5/2020
工商管理与经济学 Long Range Planning Board age and corporate financial fraud: An interactionist view Dr Shelly Xu China 9/1/2017
工商管理与经济学 Macroeconomic Dynamics Investigating the role of money in the identification of monetary policy behavior: A Bayesian DSGE perspectiveNVESTIGATING THE ROLE OF MONEY IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF MONETARY POLICY BEHAVIOR: A BAYESIAN DSGE PERSPECTIVE Professor Qing Liu China 24/1/2020
工商管理与经济学 Management and Organization Review A Self-Regulation Model of Zhong Yong Thinking and Employee Adaptive Performance Dr Ben Sun Macau 20/11/2017
工商管理与经济学 Leadership & Organization Development Journal Participative leadership and job satisfaction Mr Simon Chan Hong Kong 13/5/2019
工商管理与经济学 Journal of World Business Productivity and participation values for cooperative goals to limit free riding and promote performance in international joint ventures Professor Alfred Wong Hong Kong 14/8/2017
工商管理与经济学 Leadership & Organization Development Journal Participative leadership and job satisfaction: The mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of fun experienced at work Mr Simon Chan Hong Kong 13/5/2019
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Vocational Behavior Can idiosyncratic deals promote perceptions of competitive climate, felt ostracism, and turnover? Professor Thomas Ng Hong Kong 2/1/2017
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Wine Economics Terrorism and Wine Tourism: The Case of Museum Attendance Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 20/11/2018
工商管理与经济学 Journal of Small Business Management Entrepreneurial orientation, online credibility, and online performance: Evidence from SMEs in a B2B electronic market in China Professor Timon Du China 19/2/2020
工商管理与经济学 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Mobile searching versus online searching: differential effects of paid search keywords on direct and indirect sales Dr Feng Wang China 22/4/2019