文字编辑主管 Louise Wood 是剑桥大学文学学者和讲师,这个丰富的学术背景磨练了她的语言能力。及后,Louise 更与亚洲的大学合作了十多年,令她和她的团队拥有理想的技能和经验组合,可以满足亚洲学术界的文字编辑需求。
For almost 20 years, AsiaEdit has ensured that students at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have access to clear and concise information in their prospectuses. Starting with the final hardcopy prospectuses in 2003-4, we took on the challenge of adapting to and integrating our workflow with t...
The Communications and Public Affairs Office at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University approached AsiaEdit in 2010 to work on its PolyU Milestones magazine. We initially edited the magazine twice a year, striking a balance between delivering information effectively and maintaining a tone less form...
As an emerging unit spanning two rapidly changing fields, the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the City University of Hong Kong realised the need for a promotional brochure. AsiaEdit was called in to meet with departmental representatives, after which we developed a work plan to showcase r...
As a major publication featuring Lingnan University’s efforts in international education, Lingnan Link is a key way in which the University promotes the global reach of its liberal arts educational approach. In 2012, the University’s Office of Mainland and International Programmes (now the Offic...
Quality is critical at all levels of academia. In early 2014 the Registry Office at the then Hong Kong Institute of Education contacted AsiaEdit to work on responses to an institutional review and three discipline reviews for undergraduate programme area accreditation. With the documents each co...
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