学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-生命 Reviews in Aquaculture Application of Spirulina in aquaculture: a review on wastewater treatment and fish growth Professor Ming Hung Wong Hong Kong 11/4/2019
科学-生命 RNA Biology rG4-seeker enables high-confidence identification of novel and non-canonical rG4 motifs from rG4-seq experiments Prof. Ting-Fung Chan Hong Kong 26/4/2020
科学-生命 RSC Advances Rice protein radicals: growth and stability under microwave treatment Dr Da-ming Fan China 3/10/2016
科学-医疗 Reproductive Biomedicine Online Follicular fluid humanin concentration is related to ovarian reserve markers and clinical pregnancy after IVF–ICSI: a pilot study Dr Meng Rao    China 23/11/2018
科学-医疗 Research in Developmental Disabilities Leg muscle activation patterns during walking and leg lean mass are different in children with and without developmental coordination disorder Dr Shirley Fong Hong Kong 22/12/2017
科学-生命 Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Effect of levothyroxine supplementation on pregnancy outcomes in women with subclinical hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmuneity undergoing in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Dr Meng Rao China 24/9/2018
科学-医疗 Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Maternal physical activity before IVF/ICSI cycles improves clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate: a systematic review and meta-analysis Dr Meng Rao China 7/2/2018
科学-医疗 Rehabilitation Science Stability Limits of Standing Postural Control in Young Male Ving Tsun Chinese Martial Art Practitioners: A Pilot Study in Hong Kong Dr Shirley Fong    Hong Kong 7/3/2017
科学-生命 Reproduction in Domestic Animals  The localization and function of p38α mitogen‐activated protein kinase in rat oocytes Dr Shifu Hu    China 12/2/2018
科学-生命 Reproduction, Fertility and Development Effects of cold-inducible RNA-binding protein on the proliferation and apoptosis of spermatogenic cells in vitro following heat stress Ms Guiping Cheng China 12/2/2019
科学-医疗 Psychiatry Research Deficits in recognizing disgust facial expressions and Internet addiction: Perceived stress as a mediator Professor Cecilia Cheng  Hong Kong 26/4/2017
科学-医疗 Psychoneuroendocrinology Perceived stress moderates the effects of a randomized trial of dance movement therapy on diurnal cortisol slopes in breast cancer patients Dr Ted Fong Hong Kong 18/10/2017
科学-生命 Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods Study of the interfacial activity of wheat germ lipase Dr Jun Sun    China 29/9/2019
科学-生命 Progress in Neurobiology Platelets promote epileptic seizures by modulating brain serotonin level, enhancing neuronal electric activity, and contributing to neuroinflammation and oxidative stress Prof. Eugene Ponomarev Hong Kong 3/3/2020
科学-医疗 Progress in Nutrition University students meal experience at the dining hall Professor Nurhan Unusan Turkey 22/2/2019
科学-医疗 Psychiatry Research Catatonia in an inpatient gerontopsychiatric population Professor Gabor Ungvari Australia 25/5/2017
科学-生命 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins Lactobacillus plantarum-Mediated Regulation of Dietary Aluminum Induces Changes in the Human Gut Microbiota: an In Vitro Colonic Fermentation Study Dr. Leilei Yu China 26/7/2020
科学-生命 Process Biochemistry Recovery of organic carbon and phosphorus from wastewater by Fe-enhanced primary sedimentation and sludge fermentation Professor Xiao-yan Li Hong Kong 23/12/2016
科学-生命 Poultry Science The effect of feed supplementation with Transcarpathian zeolite (clinoptilolite) on the concentrations of acute phase proteins and cytokines in the serum and hepatic tissue of chickens Dr. Lukasz Jarosz Poland 13/3/2020
科学-生命 PPAR Research PPAR-γ Ligand Inhibits Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cell Proliferation and Metastasis by Regulating E2F2 Dr Ping Li Yang China 1/8/2019