学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
科学-社会 Family Relations Money Management and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Dual-Earner Couples in Western Europe Ms Beyda Cineli Spain 22/6/2020
科学-社会 Ethics and Information Technology Privacy perception and protection on Chinese social media: a case study of WeChat Professor Ming Cheung  Australia 9/5/2018
科学-社会 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology A social identity perspective on the association between leader-member exchange and job insecurity Dr. Chang-qin Lu China 26/8/2019
科学-社会 European Sociological Review The Hidden Cost of Flexibility: A Factorial Survey Experiment on Job Promotion Professor José González Spain 25/11/2019
科学-社会 English World-Wide Lexical bundles in conversation across Englishes. What can core and peripheral bundles reveal? Dr Gavin Bui Hong Kong 24/9/2019
科学-社会 Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Balancing dual missions for social venture growth: a comparative case study Dr Franziska Gunzel-Jensen Denmark 13/12/2018
心理学 Educational Psychology Job characteristics and teacher well-being: the mediation of teacher self-monitoring and teacher self-efficacy Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 1/11/2019
科学-社会 English for Specific Purposes Pragmatic force modifiers in English-medium master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities Dr Chia-Yen Lin Taiwan 26/12/2019
科学-社会 Economics of Transition and Institutional Change How does historical trauma affect political participation? Evidence from the send‐down movement in China Dr Xinzheng Shi China 7/3/2019
科学-社会 Early View Antecedents and Consequences of Creativity in Teams: When and How Leader Humility Promotes Performance via Team Creativity Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 25/4/2019
科学-社会 East Asian Pragmatics The use of utterance particles as assessment resources in Cantonese conversation Professor Ricardo Moutinho Macau 11/12/2019
心理学 Developmental Neuropsychology Explicit Aiming Strategy Decreases the Differences in Visuomotor Adaptation between Children and Young Adults Dr Kanfeng Deng China 10/12/2019
科学-社会 Diversity in Harmony  CiteSpace Visualizations of Studies on Tai Chi Practice and Mental Health Dr Buxin Han    China 8/10/2018
科学-社会 Early Child Development and Care Early technology education in China: A case study of Shanghai Dr Jiayi Weng Hong Kong 14/11/2018
科学-社会 Current Sociology Husband-to-wife sexual coercion in cross-border marriage: A relationship power perspective Dr. Adam Cheung Hong Kong 3/11/2019
科学-社会 Democratization Chinese influence, U.S. linkages, or neither? Comparing regime changes in Myanmar and Thailand Dr Mathew Wong    Hong Kong 16/10/2018
科学-社会 Demographic Research  Not a zero-sum game: Migration and child well-being in contemporary China Dr Zhouni Zhang   Hong Kong 22/2/2018
科学-社会 Current Issues in Tourism Dissecting Chinese adolescents’ overseas educational travel experiences: movements, representations and practices Dr Ksenia Kirillova Hong Kong 23/2/2017
心理学 Current Psychology The influence of job satisfaction on the relationship between professional identity and burnout: A study of student teachers in Western China Mr. Ming Hui Lu China 12/11/2019
科学-社会 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly When Do Frontline Hospitality Employees Take Charge? Prosocial Motivation, Taking Charge, and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy Dr Zhenyao Cai China 9/4/2018